Used foundry equipment :

Price and availability! Used equipment is usually considerably less expensive than new and most often is immediately available. As such, used equipment provides a ready source of equipment for new market development and business expansion. Normally it is immediately available and reasonably priced.

The vast majority of used equipment, being offered for sale, is offered not because it is faulty, but rather because it is no longer usable in the marketplace that it previously served.

Virtually all used equipment is sold on an “as is, where is” basis and without warranty. Absent a warranty, a personal visit and inspection is your best assurance that the machine that you are considering, is, and will do, what you want.

When you find a good piece of used equipment that comes close to, or fits, your exact needs, be prepared to purchase it immediately or at least place a deposit on it. Most sales and purchases of used equipment are made on an “as is, where is”, basis and is sold to the first entity that is prepared to pay for it.

Our offers on behalf of FISS-Machine Germany:

Cold – Chamber Die Casting Machine
Hot – Chamber Die Casting Machine
Furnaces and melting Technology
Gravity casting Machines
Core shooting Machines
Extrusion Presses
Low pressure Die Casting Machines
Trimming Presses
Robot Spray System